Kaimahi - Staff

Scott Linklater - Manahautū

Ko Taiāmai me Rangaunu ki uta.
Ko Hokianga me Waimāmaku ki tai.
Ko te whare tapu o Ngāpuhi i reira tonu.
Ko te mauri he mea huna ki te wai.
Ko Te-Hokianga-nui-a-Kupe, Hokianga-whakapau-karakia, Hokianga-taniwha-rau.
Ko ōku hapu, ko Ngāti Pou, ko Te Roroa, ko Te Popoto, ko Te Whiu.
Ko Ngāpuhi tōku iwi

E huri noa ki ōku whenua tāwāhi,
ko Kōtirangi, ko Airangi, ko Ingarangi.
Kei kora ki te raki, ko ngā Motu o Orkney.
Ki te hauāuru, ko Kintyre, ko Ayrshire, ko te Motu Kānapanapa.
Ki te marangi, ko Moray, ko Fife, ko Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Ki te tonga, ko Berkshire ko Cornwall.

Ko Kooti Tūparihēta tōku ingoa Māori.
Ko Scott Linklater tōku ingoa Pākehā.

• Bachelor of Sport Science.
• Diploma in Elite Sporting Performance.
• Pool water treatment and operations.
• Approved chemical handler.
• MBTI/EQi2 Certified.
• Pool Lifeguard Practicing Certificate
• Outdoor First Aid Qualified


Te toka tumoana,
The rock it stands in the ocean,
Ka tu, ka tu, ka tu.
It stands, it stands, it stands.

Passionate about his whānau, hauora, te taiao, and mātauranga, Scott has spent the better part of the last 25 years involved in the Sport, Recreation, and Fitness industry. A former Māori All Black who plied his trade in Waikato and Bristol, Scott returned home to Te Tai Tokerau and has been involved in management and programme delivery working for CLM for well over a decade. In recent years, Scott has also been involved with the sport of Waka Ama, competing for a number of years at national and international levels as well as serving as a national board member. A dad, a partner, a dog’s best friend, he’s one part Tāne, one part Tangaroa, and two parts Rongo.


Jamille Ruka – Kaihautū

Ki te taha ō tōku Pāpā
Ko Whakatere te Maunga
Ko Taheke te Awa
Ko Taheke te Marae
Ko Ngati Pakau te Hapu
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te Waka

Ki te taha ō tōku Māmā
Ko Te Tārai ō Rāhiri te Maunga
Ko Mangakahia te Awa
Ko Nukutawhiti te Marae
Ko Ngati Toka te Hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi

Ko Jamille Te Rautangata Ruka tōku ingoa



  • Bachelor Māori Performing Arts
  • Certificate of Waka Ama, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
  • Pool Lifeguarding Practising Certificate
  • ZUU Certified Fitness Instructor
  • Ankorr Certified Fitness Instructor
  • Day Skipper Certified
  • Outdoor First Aid Qualified

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei.

Seek the treasure you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

Our resident waka ama, reo, and tikanga expert, Jamille is a committed whānau and community man and role model to many. A representative for the National Waka Ama Men’s team, trainer at the family gym Common Grounds Fitness, and performer on many a Te Matatini stage. The face of many an advertising campaign don’t be surprised if you see Jamille on the back of a bus or on a TV ad. A waka man, a haka man, a family man.

Jordana Naera – Kaimahi

Ko Roharoha tōku maunga 
Ko Tangi-kura tōku ana
Ko Wai-Arohia tōku awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua tōku waka
Ko Hokianga-whakapau-karakia tōku moana
Ko Ngāpuhi tōku iwi
Ko Ngāti Wharara raua ko Te Pouka ōku hapū
Ko Kokohuia tōku marae atea
Ko Te Whakarongotai tōku whare tupuna
Ko Roiho tōku urupā

Ko Jordana Naera tōku ingoa



  • Pool Lifeguard Practicing Certificate
  • Outdoor First Aid Qualified


Te manu e kai ana te Miro, nōna te ngahere; te manu e kai ana te mātauranga, nōna te ao.

The bird that eats from the miro tree owns the forest; the bird that eats from the tree of knowledge owns the world.

Our little team’s pōtiki, Jordy brings valuable rangatahi and wāhine insight to the kaupapa. She is currently studying a Certificate in Ngā Taonga Tākaro, comes from a background in Mau rākau, and has a passion for all things Māori.
