The Aroora team working with Kamo High School have just launched two new programmes in 2021.

The first programme ‘He tāhuna tau atu’, supported by Foundation North, is a year long Māori leadership and skill acquisition programme with the intention of helping students become more employable in the health and recreation industry. The name of the programme is inspired by the well known Tai Tokerau tauparapara whose last line reads ‘He kūaka mārangaranga, kotahi te manu i tau ki te tāhuna, tau atu, tau atu, tau atu’. The programme is delivered in a series of wānanga framed around the Aroora well being model with additional support and industry qualifications/experience delivered throughout the year.

The second programme ‘Tenei toku whare’, supported by Te Puni Kōkiri,  is intended to strengthen cultural identity and hauora (well being) through the exploration of tikanga and pūrākau with in the cultural landscape of Tai Tokerau. The name of the programme is inspired by the Ngāpuhi whakapepeha 'Te whare tapu o Ngāpuhi’, which describes the rohe of Ngāpuhi as a sacred house. The programme is delivered in a series of wānanga that explore this house and the Aroora frame work.


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