As leisure professionals we are tasked with being leaders in our communities and custodians of venues that are the heartbeat of New Zealand. 

This is a responsibility we give our utmost respect, working for the last 25 years to achieve our vision of being leaders in the leisure and recreation industry.

Our team from across the country work tirelessly to ensure we follow our mission in the communities we're entrusted with.

"Ka āwhina mai ka āwhina atu, ngā mahi a te rēhia"           

 "We put leisure in your life and life in your leisure"




What we do

Latest News

CLM is thrilled to announce the appointment of Kirsty Knowles as Co-Chair of Recreation Aotearoa.

CLM is thrilled to announce the appointment of Kirsty Knowles as Co-Chair of Recreation Aotearoa.

CLM is thrilled to announce the appointment of Kirsty Knowles as Co-Chair of Recreation Aotearoa.

A Green Morning at Sturges Park
trees for hope.jpg

A Green Morning at Sturges Park

Our Support Office team joined Ōtāhuhu Pool and Leisure, Pacific Advance Secondary School, and Auckland Parks plant 550 trees at Sturges Park in Ōtāhuhu.

CLM named finalists in Sport NZ’s annual Sport and Recreation Awards

CLM named finalists in Sport NZ’s annual Sport and Recreation Awards

We are a finalist in Sport New Zealand's Sport and Recreation Awards in the Enviromental Sustainability section! We are so proud of all the amazing mahi our team are doing in this space across our network!

What Guides Us 

Our Mission

Ka āwhina mai, ka āwhina atu, ngā mahi a te rēhia.

We put leisure in your life and life in your leisure.

Our Vision

Hei rangatira mo te ahumahi ngā mahi a te rēhia.

To be leaders in the leisure and recreation industry.

Our Values

Kounga - Quality
Whakaute - Respect
Whakawhanake tonu - Continuous Improvement
Auaha - Innovation
Pārekareka - Fun