Kāhu Kōrako has kicked off again for 2024

CLM’s successful Māori leadership programme Kāhu Kōrako has kicked off again for 2024.

This year’s programme has grown from one to two rōpū with a total of 25 participants onboard this year. This will include a rōpū of staff from across the CLM network as well as one focussing on staff from Te Tai Tokerau, where the kaupapa Aroora is based.

Recently the national rōpū returned from its first wānanga in Te Tai Tokerau where highlights included a visit to Tane Mahuta, a cultural performance at Manea Footprints of Kupe, a visit to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, picking up some kākahu at My Taiao, and taking a dip in the jewel of Ngāpuhi’s crown – Ngawha Springs!

The Tai Tokerau based rōpū are scheduled for their first session together on the Tūtūkākā coastline at the end of the month.

A series of wānanga is scheduled across the country over the coming months with the programme drawing to a close in November.

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