Latest News

Join our team: Healthy Active Learning Community Connector
We are seeking a passionate and driven Healthy Active Learning Community Connector to join our team.

Celebrate Lunar New Year in Auckland!
This year, the Lunar New Year—also known as Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival—takes place from 29th January to 12th February.

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa - Investment Summary
CLM Community Sport is proud to be managing the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund in partnership with Aktive on behalf of Sport NZ for the wider Counties Manukau region. During the period 1 July – 31 December 2024 a total of $707,257 was invested into the region.

Counties Manukau Rangatahi Leadership Council Launched!
The first Rangatahi Leadership Council in the Counties Manukau region has been launched! The Council will empower local emerging young leaders from secondary schools and kura.

Counties Manukau take over Wellington at the National School Sport Conference!
School Sport and Sport New Zealand held their biannual conference in Wellington this week with a massive showing by our Counties Manukau Secondary Schools.

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa - A Summary
CLM Community Sport is proud to be managing the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund in partnership with Aktive on behalf of Sport NZ for the wider Counties Manukau region. During the 2023-24 financial year a total of $1,500,770 was invested into the region.

2022-23 Community Leisure Charitable Trust Impact Report
The 2022/23 year has seen the work of the Community Leisure Charitable Trust (CLCT) continue in a number of key locations.

The year so far - a few highlights!
It's almost hard to believe, we're well into March already! This edition of our Monthly Highlights provides a glimpse into the mahi carried out by our team throughout the Counties Manukau community so far this year!

Netball Centre's embrace Good Sports!
Another awesome Good Sports workshop, this time with some key Netball stakeholders in Auckland!

Vacancy - Umpire Development Officer – Part Time
We are seeking an Umpire Development Officer to join the Community Team. This fixed term role is based in Auckland focused on servicing Centres within the Auckland Region.

Papakura Marae connects with local ākonga through physical activity
Through a growing collaboration with the Healthy Active Learning team at CLM Community Sport, Papakura Marae is using the draw of physical activity to connect with schools in the area in new ways.

Toshiba Sports Leaders Breakfast brings community together
Our bi-monthly Toshiba Sports Leaders breakfast was held at the Manukau Greyhound Function Centre

Women & Girls Connect Group launches ‘Hakinakina Wahine’
Hakinakina Wahine Day at CLM Community Sport

Join our Team – Community Sport Team
We are on the hunt for some superstars to join our passionate, committed team serving the Counties Manukau community.

CLM Community Sport - July Update
This edition of our Monthly Highlights provides a glimpse into the mahi carried out by our team throughout the Counties Manukau community.

June Update
This edition of our Monthly Highlights provides a glimpse into the mahi carried out by our team throughout the Counties Manukau community.

A few highlights from the month of May!
A few highlights from our CLM Community Sport team for the month of May!

April Update from the team at CLM Community Sport
A few highlights from our CLM Community Sport team for the month of April!

Drop in Support Sessions
Our Community Sport Sector Support team are pleased to launch a series of drop-in sessions for the Counties Manukau community. These sessions are designed to provide 1-on-1 support for your club, code or community group. Whether it’s funding applications, strategic planning or other marketing support – we’re happy to help, and we look forward to seeing you pop through!

Community Sport Provides Flooding Support
What has been really special, & the perfect example of ‘it takes a village’ - is the way our community has shown up & gone all in to provide wrap around support for those in need.

Another Successful Year at the CM Games
One of the highlights of 2022 for us was being part of the inaugural CM Games at Bruce Pulman Park!

New Additions to the Team!
We are excited to announce the most recent addition to our team - Nicola Bailey & Simon Hafoka, who have started with us as Healthy Active Learning Advisors joining our Schools & Kura Team.

Community Leisure Charitable Trust Impact Report
Read our 2021 /22 Impact Report here

A Variety of Options for Our Community
Last week, our CLM Community Sport team was lucky to hear from Audrey Williams, the Programme Engagement Manager for Variety in New Zealand. The presentation was an opportunity for our staff to hear and understand more about the mahi Variety does throughout our rohe and the extended Auckland region.

Awhi the Mahi: August Volunteer of the Month
This August, our Awhi the Mahi Volunteer of the Month is Dave Johnson from Papakura City FC! Dave is a passionate volunteer with the club who stepped up into the role of President last year.

Para Sticks 'Adapted' Hockey 3's!
Working alongside Rosehill School, Satellite schools and BLENNZ (Blind & Low Vision Network NZ) Tamariki and Rangatahi), Counties Manukau Hockey delivered the Para Sticks Adaptive Hockey program.

Pasifika Touch Carnival a hit for tamariki in South Auckland!
July saw the launch of Pā Pasifika - a junior touch carnival held at Gallaher Park, Manurewa. Supported with Tu Manawa funding, this kaupapa was a free, fun day of touch for pasifika tamariki!

Tangaroa College Rangatahi - scaling to new heights!
Rangatahi Rock climbing is an initiative designed to engage both students & the wider community, utilising the rock wall which was installed in 2019.

Mana Taiohi Waananga - a hit in South Auckland!
Last month our team were really excited to host a Mana Taiohi Wānanga for organisations throughout our rohe that work directly with rangatahi.

Trustee Required
We are seeking a Trustee who brings a strong interest and understanding of the community sport sector, particularly at a local level.

Regional Sports Director Appointment
Regional Sports Director Appointment -JUDITH COE

Women's Leadership Programme graduates set to impact sport and recreation sector
Women's Leadership Programme graduates set to impact sport and recreation sector

Touch Kaupapa a hit in Manurewa!
Over 100 tamariki were part of the All Seasons Touch ‘Extender Series’

Trading Zoom sessions for Sailing experience – Kauri Flats School hits the water!
Kauri Flats School launched an exciting kaupapa, with a specific focus on wellbeing. Inspired by Sir Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā framework.

Auckland Council Funding – Open Now!
a quick reminder that Auckland Council have various local board funding rounds currently open!

Awhi the Mahi: Volunteer of the Month
We are excited to announce the committee winner for our ‘Awhi the Mahi: Volunteer of the Month’ recognition series - NZ Middlemore Sangam!

Regional Covid Hardship Fund
The Regional Covid Hardship Fund aims to provide financial support to organisations based in the Northland, Auckland and Waikato regions delivering play, active recreation and sport opportunities in the region.

The Magic of Play at Edmund Hillary School
The Magic Play Box allows children to empower themselves in their learning while developing strong relationships and a sense of belonging with their peers.

Club Capability Workshops
To connect Clubs with support, information, resources and ideas to enhance Club Capability.

CLM Community Sport is pleased to announce and welcome Cynthia Ta’ala-Timaloa as our new Women & Girls Lead.

Coach Evolve 2022
This generic, values-based coach development programme is for active coaches.

Hauora online lockdown programme 2
Looking for something a bit different to keep your tamariki moving? We have you covered!

Awhi the Mahi
Volunteers are the backbone of community sport. They invest their time and efforts into sports clubs as coaches, managers, fundraisers and committee members.

Tāmaki Makaurau Sector Support Fund
The Tāmaki Makaurau Sector Support Fund aims to provide financial support to organisations based in the Auckland region and delivering play, active recreation and sport opportunities.

Kura Cares food drive
Last Saturday our team joined the Kura Cares food drive by helping pack food parcels ready for distribution on Sunday.

Whanau Amazing Race
The aim of this amazing race challenge is to get outside the house, be active, and have fun whilst being safe. You have 10 tasks to complete around the neighbourhood. You can choose to do this on foot or wheels.

This is a very challenging time for our whanau and wider community within the Counties Manukau Region. Knowing this, our team at CLM Community Sport would like to invite our sport clubs and organisations to join us for a virtual Coffee Club Drop-In Session.

COVID-19 Support
The COVID-19 pandemic affects those who participate and organisations that provide play, physical education, active recreation and sport services.

Healthy Active learning Professional Learning Opportunity
Healthy Active learning Professional Learning Opportunity

Ōtara School’s Festival Day
Last term members of our Healthy Active Learning team collaborated with the Ōtara Sports Cluster to support the organisation of the Ōtara School’s Festival Day.

Girls’ Have-A-Go-Day
CLM Community Sport recently worked alongside St John the Evangelist Catholic School to support the school to host a Girls’ Have-A-Go-Day.

Counties Leaders Breakfast July 2021
CLM Community Sport team hosted their quarterly ‘Sports Leaders Breakfast’ for sports organisations in Counties Manukau.

Aunties celebrate another 6 Week Challenge
Aunties celebrated the end of another “6 Week Challenge” on Saturday 19th June at Mangere Memorial Hall.

Women and girls coaching forum success
40 coaches from across the region turned up to Manurewa Netball Centre on Monday night for the first Women and girls coaching forum.

Coaching Update
CLM Coaching & Talent Development Manager Jason Myks has been busy connection with coaches, players and parents across the Counties Manukau region.

New ways to play keeping Favona School students active
Children at Favona School in Mangere have new ways to be active, develop skills and have fun through play thanks to a new Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa project funded through CLM Community Sport.

CLM Community Sport Women and Girls Coaching Forum
Are you a community coach that inspires women and girls in Counties Manukau? We invite you to CLM Community Sports Women and girls coaching forum.

Junior Players Tāmaki Makaurau
Aktive, in collaboration with CLM Community Sport, Harbour Sport, Sport Auckland and Sport Waitākere, has made $536,000 available to support tamariki and rangatahi.

Papakura Football are doing things the Tū Manawa way
Papakura Football are doing things the Tū Manawa way and finding innovative ways to engage rangatahi and tamariki in Papakura.

Mihi Whakatau for new staff
It was a very special morning for the team as we held a Mihi Whakatau to welcome our newest colleagues to the CLM Community Sport whanau

Healthy Active Learning Professional Development Day
Healthy Active Learning Primary & Intermediate School Teachers from across the Counties Manukau Region came together to participate in the CLM Community Sport - Healthy Active Learning Professional Development Day

Good Sports workshops in Tuakau
CLM Community Sport Coaching lead Jason Myks recently lead a parents Good Sports presentation.

Tu Manawa funding supports development of Tupu Māreikura
Mihi Amai Puriri is a Personal Trainer who has launched a programme with support from Tu Manawa funding named Tupu Māreikura that aims empower young wāhine in Manurewa and surrounding communities.

Community Connector - Healthy Active Learning Appointments
After a lengthy recruitment process, we are pleased to welcome Sione and Louisa in their new roles to the CLM Community Sport whanau.

CLM Community Sport team supported Papatoetoe High School with their annual lampada games day.
Last Thursday the CLM Community Sport team supported Papatoetoe High School with their annual lampada games day.

Bernadette Tovio selected for Mana Moana Experience 2021.
Bernadette Tovio (General Manager, CLM Community Sport),h been selected as one of 22 Pasifika Leaders selected from across New Zealand to participate in the Leadership New Zealand - Mana Moana Experience 2021.

Counties Sports Leaders Breakfast
CLM Community Sport team hosted their quarterly ‘Sports Leaders Breakfast’ for the regional sports organisations of Counties Manukau.


Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa back playing ripper rugby.
Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa back involved in local school sport collective

Kauri Flats School get moving thanks to KiwiSport
Kauri Flats School showing some off their awesome moves that they have learnt over the last year.

KORIKORI - Regional Sports Director Appointments
CLM Community Sport is super excited to announce and welcome the following two staff appointments for the above positions in the Counties Manukau Region.

CLM Community Sport give a helping hand
Sione and Jeza proud to support the Otara Kai Village

Coach Education and Professional Development opportunity
Get ready for the first game of the season.

Auckland set to benefit from two new funds for the region
Over $670,000 has been made available to the Auckland sport and recreation sector with two additional funds: Junior Players Tāmaki Makaurau and Working Together Tāmaki Makaurau

Manurewa Tennis Club resurfacing courts
Charles Woolley, Club Captain of Manurewa Tennis Club and Kim Squire, Sector Development Advisor, CLM checking out progress on the resurfacing of 4 tennis courts.

Toshiba Community Sports Leaders Breakfast
On Friday, CLM Community Sport hosted their last ‘Counties Manukau Sports Leaders Breakfast’ for 2020.

CLM Community Sport supporting Kuraconnect
CLM Community Sport staff have had the pleasure in supporting the Kuraconnect community group with their activations over the past couple of months.

Māngere Ōtahuhu Sport and Active Recreation Facility Plan
For the last 2 months, the team at CLM Community Sport have been assisting both Consultant Jo Wiggins from Movern Group and Auckland Council in the creating a Sport and Active Recreation Plan.

Funding Workshops well attended
The CLM Community Sport team facilitated 4 Community Funding workshops throughout November across the Counties Manukau region.

Strategic Planning through Club Connect
CLM Community Sports club connect programme aims to build the capability and capacity of organisations

Secondary school students coaches
CLM recently hosted a Secondary School students coaches event for Rosehill College and Pukekohe Christian School.

Coach Emerge in Counties Manukau
Aktive and CLM Community Sport would like to share a development opportunity for your coaches operating within clubs, schools and communities.

Aktive recognised with two New Zealand Sport & Recreation Awards
Active receives two national awards – the Community Impact Award for Good Sports® and Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion at the New Zealand Sport & Recreation Awards.

Community Resilience Fund – Round 2
Applications have now closed. Over $981k has been approved across 149 organisations in the Counties Manukau Region.

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa infomation sessions
Kia ora tātou! Are you looking for funding for a community-based programme or project in Counties Manukau?

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for programmes or projects delivering play, active recreation and sport experiences for tamariki and rangatahi.

CLM Launches New Websites
Continuing a commitment to ensuing the best possible experience for or communities.

Kura Hauora Lockdown Online Programme
Modern Dance Hip Hop Funk with Omar from Prestige Dance Crew